
更新于:2020-02-04 10:59:53






  active 活泼的

  able 有才干的,能干的;

  adaptable 适应性强的

  active 主动的,活跃的;

  aggressive 有进取心的

  ambitious 有雄心壮志的;

  amiable 和蔼可亲的

  amicable 友好的;

  analytical 善于分析的

  apprehensive 有理解力的;

  aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的

  audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的;

  capable 有能力的,有才能的

  careful 办理仔细的;

  candid 正直的

  competent 能胜任的;

  constructive 建设性的

  cooperative 有合作精神的;

  creative 富创造力的

  dedicated 有奉献精神的;

  dependable 可靠的

  diplomatic 老练的,有策略的;

  disciplined 守纪律的

  dutiful 尽职的;

  well--educated 受过良好教育的

  efficient 有效率的;

  energetic 精力充沛的

  expressivity 善于表达;

  faithful 守信的,忠诚的

  frank 直率的,真诚的;

  generous 宽宏大量的

  genteel 有教养的;

  gentle 有礼貌的

  humorous 有幽默;

  impartial 公正的

  independent 有主见的;

  industrious 勤奋的

  ingenious 有独创性的;

  motivated 目的明确的

  intelligent 理解力强的;

  learned 精通某门学问的

  logical 条理分明的;

  methodical 有方法的

  modest 谦虚的;

  objective 客观的

  precise 一丝不苟的;

  punctual 严守时刻的

  realistic 实事求是的;

  responsible 负责的

  sensible 明白事理的;

  porting 光明正大的

  steady 踏实的;

  systematic 有系统的

  purposeful 意志坚强的;

  sweet-tempered 性情温和的

  temperate 稳健的;

  tireless 孜孜不倦的

  Personality 性格

  able 有才干的,能干的

  active 主动的,活跃的

  adaptable 适应性强的

  adroit 灵巧的,机敏的

  aggressive 有进取心的

  alert 机灵的

  ambitious 有雄心壮志的

  amiable 和蔼可亲的

  amicable 友好的

  analytical 善于分析的

  apprehensive 有理解力的

  argumentative 好争辩的

  aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的

  attractive 有魅力的

  audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的

  magnanimous 宽宏大量

  vivacious 活泼

  frugal 俭朴的

  genteel 有教养的

  hospitable 殷勤的

  ingenious 有独创性的

  liberal 心胸宽大的

  narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的

  obedient 听话孝顺的


  undergraduate 本科

  postgraduate 研究生

  school of Arts and Sciences 文理学院

  score 成绩

  enrolment 注册

  selective/elective/option 选修课

  required course/compulsory course 必修课

  course arrangement 课程安排

  paper/thesis/dissertation 论文/硕士论文/博士论文

  essay 短论文

  journal 周记/每周要做的作业

  application form 申请表

  letter of recommendation 推荐信

  programme/program 某一专业的课程总称

  school 学院

  graduate school 研究生院

  credit 学分

  degrees 学位

  assessment 对学生的学习情况进行评估

  handout 上课老师发的印刷品

  assignment 作业

  presentation 针对某一专题进行的发言(托福听力出现)

  project 需要学生进行独立钻研的课外课题



  (误)London is much hotter in summer than my hometown.

  (正)It is much hotter in London in summer than in my hometown.(用it代表气候,天气等。)


  (误)His book is quite different from me.

  (正)His book is quite different from mine.(mine = my book,应保持比较的双方性质的一致。)


  (误)I have important something to tell you.

  (正)I have something important to tell you.(修饰something,nothing,anything等不定代词时,形容词应放在其后。)


  (误)Every student should do their own homework.

  (正)Every student should do his own homework.(every student是单数,其后的代词也用单数。)


  (误)I like to receive letters but do not like to write it.

  (正)I like to receive letters but do not like to write them.(代词的人称与数应与它代替的名词相同。)


  (误)Neither the children nor he has ever eaten their supper.

  (正)Neither the children nor he has ever eaten his supper.(是对等相关连词,nor后面的主语决定后面的谓语动词及代词的形式。)


  (误)Mrs. Brown said hello to her friends, Mary and I.

  (正)Mrs. Brown said hello to her friends, Mary and me.(Mary and me是宾语friends的同位语,因此用宾格形式。)


  (误)None of my two sisters is here.

  (正)Neither of my two sisters is here.(neither用于两者的否定;none用于三者以上的否定。)


  (误)He knows my both sisters.

  (正)He knows both my sisters.(both用在the,his,my等修饰语之前。)


  (误)How much is the price of the book?

  (正)What is the price of the book?(对价格提问用what,没有price一词时用how much。)


  (误)I have a new dictionary and several old one.

  (正)I have a new dictionary and several old ones.(代替前面提到过的可数名词,复数要用ones。)


  (误)I, Andy and Paul sang a song together.

  (正)Andy, Paul and I sang a song together.(有多个主语或宾语时,I或me在最后。)


  (误)They know our Chinese well.

  (正)They know us Chinese well.(Chinese为宾语us的同位语。)


  (误)That is not easy to speak good English.

  (正)It is not easy to speak good English.(it当形式主语,代替不定式。)

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